Red Screening YIFY
Many people are starting to learn what happens when you debate with a feminist, or question feminism in public. Facts suddenly become morbidly offensive. Logic goes out of the window. Ironically, even the concept of 'equality' takes a back seat. This film takes a dispassionate and balanced look at the men's rights movement and it's struggle with the feminist narrative.I saw the red pill during the first UK screening on October 30 and I was profoundly impressed with the elegantly simple approach to the topic. We follow Cassie Jay on a simple journey, starting with her describing her experiences of being objectified as a teenage actress and her decision to look into 'rape culture' after learning of two horrific rape cases. She stumbled across the controversial website 'a voice for men' and proceeded to fall down the proverbial rabbit hole.All the men's rights movement has ever wanted was fair representation and a chance to be heard. Something the mainstream media has taken great pains to prevent. Thankfully to men all over the world, the red pill delivers a fair hearing in droves. I implore EVERYONE to watch this film. It is arguably the most important documentary of our generation.
YIFY Torrents was founded by Yiftach Swery in 2010 while he was studying computer science at University of Waikato.[2] Yiftach is an app developer, web developer and archery champion from Auckland, New Zealand.[3][4] In August 2011, the YIFY brand was gaining enough traffic to warrant the launch of an official YIFY Torrents Website, although it was eventually blocked by United Kingdom authorities. A backup website yify-torrents.im was launched for users to bypass this ban.[5]
The YIFY name continued to generate traction to the point where in 2013 'YIFY' was the most searched term on Kickass Torrents, along with other related search terms such as 'yify 720p', 'yify 2013' and 'yify 1080p'.[6] This popularity was maintained through to 2015, where it was once again the most searched term on BitTorrent websites.[7]