Welcome to the Sanskrit Heritage site.It provides various services for the computational treatment of Sanskrit.The first service is dictionary access. The dictionary is a hypertext structuregiving access to the Sanskrit lexicon, given with grammatical information.There are currently two versions of the dictionary.The first one is the original Heritage Sanskrit-French dictionary, thatserves as morphology generator, and is thus fully equipped with grammaticaltools. Furthermore it offers a rich encyclopedic contents about Indian culture.You may also download a printable pdf version of this dictionary, asexplained below. A fully hypertext version in theGoldendict format is also available.The second lexicon is a digital version of the Monier-Williams Sanskrit-Englishdictionary, a much more complete lexicon for the Sanskrit language.It is issued from Thomas Malten's digitalization of the Monier-Williamsat Köln University, turned into an XML databank by Jim Funderburk,and finally adapted to the HTML Heritage look and feel by Pawan Goyal.The Sanskrit Heritage dictionary is thus mirrored in the Monier-Williams, whichallows compatibility of the grammatical tools.The choice of the dictionary is set to Heritage by default by accessingthe standard entry page \"sanskrit.inria.fr\", but is set to Monier-Williamsif you rather invoke \" \"Each dictionary is accessible separately by its search page,respectively Sanskrit Heritage andMonier-Williams.