TRH Is A "Social Network Marketing Platform" Where The Independent Artist / Models / Entrepreneurs & Content Creators Of The Hip Hop Community Meet Online .
Sign Up & Create Your "Hustlers" Profile Page & "Let's Hustle Together"

Content Submission Form
Submit Your Profile ($25 Submission Fee)
The Submission Instructions :
Your involvement and your dedication to this movement will make a big difference for the team behind this amazing project .
We are going to need a bit of information and content from you:
What We Are Looking For
1. Please complete all fields on the form.
2. If a section does not apply to you, simply indicate N/A.
3. Our team wants to get to know more about you! Write us a short biography about yourself, explaining what your aspirations are, why YOU think you could make a great participant on the show, what drives you to achieve your goals, and what makes you unique from other people. We want to see your creativity! (Originality and creativity are best!)
4. What are your hobbies? We’d really like to know what you love to do in your free time! Tell us about your passions!
MUSIC SUBMISSION: All Music must be original & Performer must have rights to content.
VIDEO SUBMISSION: The videos must be filmed in landscape orientation (Horizontal). If your video is not filmed horizontally, we cannot accept your video submission.
These videos will be shared with our team
You could also be featured on our social media platforms, so it is important that your video meets the above requirements.
This is a great opportunity for millions of people to get to know you!
PHOTOS . We want to see you at your best! Send us 6-8 high-quality photos of yourself.
2. We need to see your full face without any filters. Remember these are your pictures that our production team will see!
3. We NEED variety. Send us different types of pictures (Headshots, full-body, outdoors, indoors, different outfits including sportswear, casual, formal, and your favorite outfit!)
CONTENT RELEASE FORM. Please review and sign the Content Release Form.
Before sending back the files, please make sure you have completed the following:
1. All files have been named with your
2. You have completed the following:
a. Information and Biography
b. Music or Video
c. Photos
d. Signed your Content Release Form
Thank again for your participation. We look forward to your submission.
Profile Submission
Please follow links to complete submission